Wallpaper frame
Fleur-de-lis is a reproduction of an Empire wallpaper from the 1820s with the French lily, a motif that has been present since the Middle Ages and has been strongly associated with the French royal family. It was popular both in the early 19th century in the Empire style and later in the Gothic Revival style.
The wallpaper is printed to order on full-matt non woven in rolls that are 10 meters long and 50 cm wide.
Available in three different variations: Original Deep Green, Original Deep Red and Royal Blue.
Price: 1,250 SEK per roll
Delivery time: 1 - 2 weeks
Product information
Trademark Wallpaper frame
CollectionWallpaper 1800-1830
Style 19th century, Empire, French lily
Category Non Woven wallpapers
Length 10.00 meters
Vertical report 22.50 cm
Width 50.00 cm
Report variant Straight pattern fit
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